You See a Lock Anywhere? - the Boundaries Between Inside and Outside in the Architecture in Films

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/konferenssijulkaisussaPosterScientific


Architecture creates boundaries between inside and outside, between private and public spaces. Creating boundaries can be seen as one of the main functions of architecture and is a pivotal topic of design. Making a shelter from the elements is a basic need, but it is also about controlling your space. Te ownership of a space afects how people act in it. Previously the public outside spaces have not been as open to women as they are to men. Even though boundaries can be obscure and invisible they have been more detectable for women.
To learn more of the nature of diferent boundaries, privacy and the act of creating a boundary we can look at how they are presented in flms. Film as an art form has special ability to show the inner world of fears and fantasies simultaneously and in contrast with the world outside. We ask how spatial and mental boundaries are presented in flms and what does it mean to cross these boundaries. The films chosen as case studies focus on the spaces traditionally associated with women
and everyday private living spaces. Te study analyses the way in each film the space is created with architecture, cinematography and direction. Te shift of interest from public to private life also suggests a shift in perspective regarding the architectural design process to start from the inside and proceed outwards.
TilaJulkaistu - 26 lokak. 2018
Tapahtuma10th Architectural Research Symposium: Global North – Global Challenges and Local Responses in Contemporary Architecture - Aalto University, Department of Architecture, Espoo, Suomi
Kesto: 26 lokak. 201827 lokak. 2018
Konferenssinumero: 10


Conference10th Architectural Research Symposium


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