Valuepack Project Report: Tools for Creating and Measuring the Value in Packaging

Virpi Korhonen, Satu Jokinen, Markus Joutsela, Virpi Roto, Terhi Latvala, Kaisa Savolainen, Leo Josephy, Maria Kuusisto, Maria Helander, Vishnu Shreenath, Rikhard Hormia, Ida Jokela, Siddharth Jayaprakash, Yaping Chen, Mukundhan Kulur

Tutkimustuotos: KirjaCommissioned report


The project was composed of five work modules providing a holistic perspec- tive into value formation by applying theory and research methods from various fields of sciences. The aggregate knowledge of the multidisciplinary research team, in combination with international cooperation constituted a streamlined project with almost twenty case studies.
Finland is globally acknowledged for world-class design. Why shouldn’t Finland also be known for world-class packaging design? We hope the results will encourage Finnish companies to stand out on the global market through user-centered and high-value packaging. As the case studies will point out, professionally designed packages create return on investment in terms of higher perceived value, and consequently, higher preference and willingness to pay.
KustantajaPackage Testing & Research Oy
ISBN (elektroninen)978-951-8988-49-9
TilaJulkaistu - 30 marrask. 2016
OKM-julkaisutyyppiD4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys


NimiPTR report
ISSN (elektroninen)1235-4546


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