Transport (TV series, production)

Miia Haavisto (Tuottaja)

Tutkimustuotos: Taiteellinen julkaisu ja ICT-julkaisuFilmArt in coproductionvertaisarvioitu


A journalist wants to trace a microchip found in baby food. Her inquiries lead her to the illicit horse trade in Europe.

A bank manager makes a mistake. When she fails to cover it up, she falls prey to something bigger.

A border control veterinarian goes missing. An insurance investigator wants to know what happened.

TRANSPORT is a story about ordinary people who all have their skin in the game.

With participation of YLE, Streamz, SVT, RÚV, DR, NRK, Business Finland, Belgian Federal Government’s Tax Shelter system and Belga Films Fund, Creative Europe MEDIA, NFTF, Finnish Film Foundation, Screen Flanders
KustantajaTekele Productions
TilaJulkaistu - 25 maalisk. 2022
OKM-julkaisutyyppiF2 Taiteellisen teoksen tai esityksen osatoteutus

Field of art

  • Elokuva


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