The Web3 Digital Citizen: Implications of Web3 for digital citizenship education

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/konferenssijulkaisussaAbstractScientificvertaisarvioitu


The conceptualization of digital citizenship has advanced alongside the growth in accessibility and use of the internet, and interpretations of digital citizenship education have not been uniform. Originally understood from a competence-based perspective, digital citizenship typically now entails responsible, active and ethical engagement in digital spaces. Defining what it means to be a digital citizen has remained challenging, as digital interactions are not limited by geographic areas (with some notable exceptions. Despite this challenge, several conceptualizations of digital citizenship (and digital citizenship education) emphasize responsibilities associated with traditional understandings of citizenship, such as civic engagement. It is clear that digital citizenship is not a static concept, but one that develops alongside the opportunities and needs afforded by the internet. As such, the internet itself is undergoing a transition to Web3. Web3 refers to the use of decentralized technologies to enable active participation without large corporations, such as Facebook and Google. Largely building off of blockchain technology, Web3 promises a more transparent and fairer internet, built around collaboration and co-creation. Beginning with the premise that digital citizenship education must adapt alongside the internet, this paper uses qualitative content analysis to examine how Web3 is articulated in public discourse and identifies the main characteristics and technologies that distinguish it from previous versions of digitally-based interactions. The implications for Web3 Digital Citizenship Education that follow are not meant to supplant current understandings of Digital Citizenship, but rather serve as a supplement, including the skills and attitudes required for active participation, at both the local and global level.
TilaJulkaistu - elok. 2022
OKM-julkaisutyyppiEi sovellu
TapahtumaECPR General Conference - University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Itävalta
Kesto: 22 elok. 202226 elok. 2022


ConferenceECPR General Conference


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