Super adiabatic combustion of H2/Air and H2/N2O mixtures

Jennifer Schurr*, Atmadeep Bhattacharya*, Alexander A. Konnov, Ossi Kaario

*Tämän työn vastaava kirjoittaja

Tutkimustuotos: LehtiartikkeliArticleScientificvertaisarvioitu

1 Sitaatiot (Scopus)
110 Lataukset (Pure)


While the impact of H 2 chemistry on super adiabatic flame temperature (SAFT) for hydrocarbons is well understood, super adiabaticity for premixed H 2 combustion has not been previously reported. In the present work, for the first time, premixed H 2/air and H 2/N 2O combustion in 0D and 1D context have been analysed to show that the instantaneous (0D) or local (1D) temperature exceeds the equilibrium temperature at certain conditions. The open-source software Cantera with recently published mechanisms from the literature have been used for the simulations. The simulations consider varying unburnt mixture conditions, including pressure (1 atm ≤ P u ≤ 20 atm), temperature (500 K ≤ T u ≤ 4000 K), equivalence ratio (0.1 ≤ ϕ ≤ 4.0), and dilution by inert gases (10 vol%) to investigate their influence on super adiabatic combustion. The present study demonstrates the following: (a) H 2/N 2O cases show an order of magnitude higher super adiabaticity than H 2/air mixtures, (b) the NO x chemistry is primarily responsible for super adiabaticity in H 2/oxidizer combustion, and (c) for H 2/air flames, super adiabaticity is caused by the endothermic reactions in the post flame region, while for H 2/N 2O flames, super adiabaticity is caused by the conversion of NO into N 2. These findings contribute towards a better understanding of the premixed combustion of hydrogen and the role of nitrogen oxidation chemistry therein. Novelty and Significance Statement The super adiabaticity of H 2/Air and H 2/N 2O mixtures is investigated for the first time. A novel 0D two-regime super adiabaticity for H 2/Air mixture was found. However, such a double regime super adiabaticity has not been observed in 1D H 2/Air flames. N 2O produces super adiabaticity that is an order of magnitude stronger than that of air. Our results show that H 2/Air and H 2/N 2O mixtures have different chemical reasons for manifesting the super adiabatic phenomenon.

JulkaisuCombustion and Flame
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - toukok. 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä


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