title = "Spatial inversion of depolarization and repolarization waves in body surface potential mapping as indecators of old myocardial infarction",
keywords = "body surface potential mapping, myocardial infarction, body surface potential mapping, myocardial infarction, body surface potential mapping, myocardial infarction",
author = "Paula Vesterinen and Helena H{\"a}nninen and Matti Stenroos and Petri Korhonen and Terhi Husa and Ilkka Tierala and Heikki V{\"a}{\"a}n{\"a}nen and Lauri Toivonen",
year = "2005",
language = "English",
pages = "278--282",
editor = "AF Frangi and PI Radeva and A. Santos and M. Hernandez",
booktitle = "Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH05), Barcelona, 2005",
publisher = "Springer",
address = "Germany",