Sorting Pattern-Avoiding Permutations via 0-1 Matrices Forbidding Product Patterns

Parinya Chalermsook, Seth Pettie, Sorrachai Yingchareonthawornchai

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/konferenssijulkaisussaConference article in proceedingsScientificvertaisarvioitu

2 Sitaatiot (Scopus)


We consider the problem of comparison-sorting an n-permutation S that avoids some k-permutation π. Chalermsook, Goswami, Kozma, Mehlhorn, and Saranurak [CGK+15b] prove that when S is sorted by inserting the elements into the GreedyFuture [DHI+09] binary search tree, the running time is linear in the extremal function Ex(Pπ ☉ (), n). This is the maximum number of 1s in an n * n 0-1 matrix avoiding Pπ ☉ (), where Pπ is the k * k permutation matrix of π, and Pπ ☉ () is the 2k * 3k Kronecker product of Pπ and the “hat” pattern (). The same time bound can be achieved by sorting S with Kozma and Saranurak's SmoothHeap [KS20]. Applying off-the-shelf results on the extremal functions of 0-1 matrices, it was known that Ex(Pπ ☉ (), n) = { Ω ( n · 2α(n)),/O( n · 2α(n))3k/2-O(1)) where α(n) is the inverse-Ackermann function. In this paper we give nearly tight upper and lower bounds on the density of Pπ ☉ () -free matrices in terms of “n”, and improve the dependence on “k” from doubly exponential to singly exponential. Ex(Pπ ☉ (), n) = { Ω ( n · 2α(n)), for most π,/O ( n · 2O(k2)+(1+o(1))α(n)), for all π. As a consequence, sorting π-free sequences can be performed in O(n2(1+o(1))α(n)) time. For many corollaries of the dynamic optimality conjecture, the best analysis uses forbidden 0-1 matrix theory. Our analysis may be useful in analyzing other classes of access sequences on binary search trees.

OtsikkoProceedings of the 2024 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)
ToimittajatDavid P. Woodruff
KustantajaSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
ISBN (elektroninen)978-1-61197-791-2
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
TapahtumaACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms - Alexandria, Yhdysvallat
Kesto: 7 tammik. 202410 tammik. 2024
Konferenssinumero: 35


ConferenceACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms


Sukella tutkimusaiheisiin 'Sorting Pattern-Avoiding Permutations via 0-1 Matrices Forbidding Product Patterns'. Ne muodostavat yhdessä ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.
  • ALGOCom: Novel Algorithmic Techniques through the Lens of Combinatorics

    Chalermsook, P. (Vastuullinen tutkija), Jindal, G. (Projektin jäsen), Franck, M. (Projektin jäsen), Khodamoradi, K. (Projektin jäsen), Yingchareonthawornchai, S. (Projektin jäsen), Gadekar, A. (Projektin jäsen), Orgo, L. (Projektin jäsen), Jiamjitrak, W. (Projektin jäsen) & Spoerhase, J. (Projektin jäsen)


    Projekti: EU: ERC grants

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