Ship Dynamics for Performance Based Design and Risk Averse Operations: Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

Spyros Hirdaris, Tommi Mikkola

Tutkimustuotos: KirjaAnthologyScientificvertaisarvioitu

730 Lataukset (Pure)


More than a century-and-half ago, William Froude and his son Robert conducted the first scientifically designed towing tank experiments using scaled ship models travelling in calm water and waves. Since then, advances in mathematics and technology led to the development of various methods for the assessment of the dynamic behavior of ships. Today it is recognized that continuous improvement of direct assessment methods validated by model experiments or full-scale measurements are the doctrine of naval architecture. Yet, as we enter the 3rd decade of the 21st Century the advent of goal-based regulations and the emergence of safe and sustainable shipping standards still confront our ability to understand the fundamentals and assure absolute ship safety in design and operations. To instigate renewed interest on the well-rehearsed subject of ship dynamics, this Booklet presents a collection of 12 high-quality research contributions with a focus on the prediction and analysis of the dynamic behavior of ships in a stochastic environment. The papers presented are co-authored by leading academics and practitioners from Europe, the Far East and USA.
JulkaisupaikkaBasel, Switzerland
KustantajaMDPI AG
ISBN (elektroninen)978-3-0365-0617-3
ISBN (painettu)978-3-0365-0616-6
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 7 huhtik. 2021
OKM-julkaisutyyppiC2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero

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