title = "Self-compacting ultra-high-strength concrete containing coarse aggregates",
keywords = "durability, mechanical properties, microstructure, mix design, self compacting concrete, ultra-high-performance concrete, durability, mechanical properties, microstructure, mix design, self compacting concrete, ultra-high-performance concrete, durability, mechanical properties, microstructure, mix design, self compacting concrete, ultra-high-performance concrete",
author = "Andrzej Cwirzen and Vesa Penttala and Camilla Vornanen and Katri Junna",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-951-22-8485-6",
series = "Teknillisen korkeakoulun rakennusmateriaalitekniikan julkaisusarja",
publisher = "Helsinki University of Technology",
number = "20",
pages = "130",
address = "Finland",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Helsinki University of Technology",