Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Modelling and Optimisation of Ship Energy Systems (MOSES2021)

Kari Tammi (Toimittaja), Antti Ritari (Toimittaja), Janne Huotari (Toimittaja)

Tutkimustuotos: KirjaAnthologyScientificvertaisarvioitu


Following the successful organisation of the MOSES2019 in Strathclyde, MOSES2021 addresses the modern challenges of comprehensive system design, leveraging existing data and virtualization in the field of the ship energy systems design and operation. Stringent environmental regulations, volatility of fuel prices, alternative fuels, development of emerging technologies, artificial intelligence methods, big data analytics, ship systems autonomy and 4th industrial revolution concepts provide to the ship energy systems designer and operator both challenges and opportunities, which if appropriately addressed will result in step changes in the way the ships energy systems are perceived today. In this respect, MOSES2021 provided an opportunity to bring together scientists and professionals from industry, academia, government departments, private institutions, research institutions, being a forum for the exchange of the most contemporary ideas, techniques, methods and experience in the area of ship energy systems including modelling, optimisation, control, maintenance, safety, autonomy, environmental friendliness and sustainability.
ISBN (elektroninen)978-952-64-0555-1
ISBN (painettu)978-952-64-0554-4
TilaJulkaistu - 2021
OKM-julkaisutyyppiC2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
TapahtumaInternational Conference on Modelling and Optimisation of Ship Energy Systems - Virtual, Online
Kesto: 19 toukok. 202120 toukok. 2021
Konferenssinumero: 3


NimiAalto University publication series SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY
ISSN (painettu)1799-4896
ISSN (elektroninen)1799-490X


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