PORe workshop model 'Make and Share Stories' (virtual space design)

Cvijeta Miljak (Suunnittelija), Lily Diaz-Kommonen (Suunnittelija)

Tutkimustuotos: Taiteellinen julkaisu ja ICT-julkaisuDesignArt in non-art workvertaisarvioitu


At the time when ‘Spatial Affairs’ were on show at Ludwig Museum, covid lockdowns made access to the physical premises of the museum impossible, and the exhibition was only accessible as an interactive online 360° photogram- metry model. These conditions led to design of the first pilot pore workshop as an online participatory experience in the Mozilla Hubs platform where participants gathered in an artificial immersive virtual space as avatars. The idea was to design an environment where selected artworks from the exhibition, introduced to the group through a virtual guided tour, were used as anchor points to start narrative cycles which would enable participants to project their own experience with the heritage. The main co-creative task was to collaboratively create a spacial story combining autoethnograpy to encourage the first-person point of view followed by duoethnography to support dialogue between multiple participants. Participants used a set of pre-designed 3D artboards which provided additional information about the selected artworks and afforded further contextualization of the works. Participants could select and place the artboards in an order which would make sense for them adding own perceptions, feelings and thoughts written as texts or taken as pictures by a virtual camera tool available in the Mozilla Hubs. The story was finally titled providing a frame through which it could be read. Observation, video recordings of the activities in the staged 3D environment and discussion with the participants were used as qualitative inputs to reflect on the process and learn more about the audience experiences.

Developing the workshop model consisted of designing a complex system (or dramaturgy) involving different elements that make up a workshop event, involving the digital heritage, design objects, the guided tour, the co-creative tasks, the immersive environment, the tools and the participants.

The PORe (Performance-Oriented Research Methods for Audience Studies and Exhibition Evaluation) is a framework allowing for exploratory research, creativity and openness promoting participation, new experiences and co-creation of new content by the museum visitors.

PORe methodology concept and development: Lily Díaz-Kommonen
PORe Workshop creative task concept: Lily Díaz-Kommonen
PORe Workshop concept, production, implementation: Cvijeta Miljak and Lily Díaz-Kommonen
Virtual space design and implementation to Mozilla Hubs: Cvijeta Miljak
Guided tour concept and narratives: Zsófia Somogyi-Rohonczy, Zita Varga
Guided tour narratives: Selina Oakes, Pekko Vasantola
Guided tour videos: Zsófia Szabó, Cvijeta Miljak (final editing)
Press Kit video: Cvijeta MIljak

Workshop 20 May 2021 morning session event:
Workshop facilitators: Lily Díaz-Kommonen, Cvijeta Miljak
Virtual tour guides: Selina Oakes, Zsófia Somogyi-Rohonczy, Zita Varga
Documentation footage: Cvijeta Miljak, Gautam Vishwanath

Workshop 20 May 2021 afternoon session event:
Workshop facilitators: Lily Díaz-Kommonen, Cvijeta Miljak
Virtual tour guides: Zita Varga
Documentation footage: Cvijeta Miljak, Gautam Vishwanath
KustantajaLudwig Muzeum
Tuotoksen mediaOnline
TilaJulkaistu - toukok. 2021
OKM-julkaisutyyppiF3 Ei-taiteellisen julkaisun taiteellinen osa
TapahtumaSpatial Affairs - Ludwig Museum, Online / Budapest, Unkari
Kesto: 29 huhtik. 202127 kesäk. 2021

Field of art

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