title = "Polttomoottoritekniikka, Kul-14.105 M{\"a}nt{\"a}moottoritekniikka, Osa 6 J{\"a}{\"a}hdytysj{\"a}rjestelm{\"a} - Kaksitahtimoottorien huuhtelupumput - Ahtaminen - Dieselmoottorin pakokaasusaasteet",
keywords = "engine cooling system, exhaust emissions of diesel engines, internal combustion engine, scavenging pumps, supercharging, engine cooling system, exhaust emissions of diesel engines, internal combustion engine, scavenging pumps, supercharging, engine cooling system, exhaust emissions of diesel engines, internal combustion engine, scavenging pumps, supercharging",
author = "J. Pitk{\"a}nen",
year = "1996",
language = "English",
publisher = "Teknillinen korkeakoulu",
address = "Finland",