Nurturing Algorithmic Literacy: A Case Study on the Trends and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Education in Schools

Akshat Srivastava*, Uttishta Varanasi, Oleksandra Sushchenko, Charlene Mae Sta Teresa, Ravinder Singh Bidhan

*Tämän työn vastaava kirjoittaja

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/konferenssijulkaisussaChapterScientificvertaisarvioitu


In today’s digital age, alongside the rising signifi- cance of technological literacy, algorithmic literacy holds great importance as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) emerge as transformative technologies. This research paper explores the trends, challenges, and implications of AI and ML education in schools, aiming to cultivate algorithmic literacy among students. By conducting a survey, reviewing the literature, and examining classroom observations, this study provides in- sights into the integration of AI and ML into the K12 curriculum and offers recommendations for promoting effective instruction and preparing students for the digital future.
This research paper provides an introduction to the rising importance of AI and ML, highlighting the need for students to develop relevant skills and critical thinking. The literature review explores government initiatives aimed at promoting AI education in schools and examines the current trends in AI and ML instruction. Additionally, it delves into the challenges educators face when integrating AI and ML into the curriculum, including the selection of technical platforms, accessing adequate resources, and identifying comprehensive teaching materials. Core concepts such as algorithmic literacy and ethical AI require careful con- sideration in the education space as they form children’s ability to critically examine, interrogate, propose solutions for, contest, and agree with digital services that have become increasingly omnipresent.
OtsikkoProceedings International Conference on Technology 4 Education
ToimittajatSahana Murthy, Maiga Chang, Ramkumar Rajendran, Shitanshu Mishra, Andreas Lingnau
ISBN (elektroninen)979-8-3503-8228-0
TilaHyväksytty/In press - 2023
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa
TapahtumaInternational Conference on Technology 4 Education - IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Intia
Kesto: 24 marrask. 202326 marrask. 2023


ConferenceInternational Conference on Technology 4 Education


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