Method, system and computer program product for ranging RFID tags

Ville Viikari (Keksijä), Pekka Pursula (Keksijä)

Tutkimustuotos: PatenttiPatent


The invention relates to a method for ranging a radio frequency tag, comprising measuring the modulated backscattering response of the tag at a plurality of frequencies using reader and determining the dispersive properties of the tag from the amplitude of the measured backscattering response. Further, the method comprises determining a position parameter of the tag from the measured modulated backscattering response and the determined dispersive properties of the tag.

IPCG06K 7/ 01 A I
Prioriteetti päiväys08/04/2011
TilaJulkaistu - 14 helmik. 2013
OKM-julkaisutyyppiH1 Myönnetty patentti


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