Main Street Project – How to turn a car-dominated road into a user-based and liveable street? New European Bauhaus: Overview of Examples

Tutkimustuotos: Muu tuotosProfessional


An example published as a part of the New European Bauhaus co-design phase. The new idea was to reconvert challenged, car-dominated areas in the city
for the use of pedestrians, upgrading territories of car mobility for the
benefit of wider usability and liveability. This project involved large
participation and answered the need for more community, event and coworking
spaces, as well as better quality and more usable outdoor spaces,
giving access to indoor places with low vacancy and overcoming the
segregation of users.
TyyppiShort project description
KustantajaEuropean Commission
TilaJulkaistu - 1 syysk. 2021
OKM-julkaisutyyppiEi sovellu

Field of art

  • Arkkitehtuuri
  • Muotoilu


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