title = "Magnetic field ripple effect on JET Intrinsic Rotation",
keywords = "fusion, intrinsic rotation, JET, magnetic field ripple effect, plasma, fusion, intrinsic rotation, JET, magnetic field ripple effect, plasma, fusion, intrinsic rotation, JET, magnetic field ripple effect, plasma",
author = "M.F.F. Nave and T. Johnson and Antti Salmi and B. Alper and K. Crombe and L-G. Eriksson and C. Giroud and M-L. Mayoral and J. Ongena and K-D. Zastrow",
year = "2009",
language = "English",
series = "36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics June 29 - July 3, Sofia, Bulgaria",
pages = "EFD--C(09)06/26",
type = "WorkingPaper",