Machine learning-based assessment of thermal comfort for the elderly in warm environments : Combining the XGBoost algorithm and human body exergy analysis

Mengyuan He, Hong Liu*, Shan Zhou, Yan Yao, Risto Kosonen, Yuxin Wu, Baizhan Li

*Tämän työn vastaava kirjoittaja

Tutkimustuotos: LehtiartikkeliArticleScientificvertaisarvioitu

1 Sitaatiot (Scopus)


Many elderly people rarely own or use air conditioners because of low income and economising habits, causing them to live in warm thermal environments when heat waves and hot weather occur. Living in warm conditions worsens thermal discomfort and poses health risks this group. To investigate the thermal comfort and adaptation of the elderly, a total of 38 participants were recruited for two parts of experiments in a climate chamber: Part A collected thermal sensation vote (TSV) and physiological parameters for 30 min at 28, 30, and 32 °C, and Part B presented a 20-min cooling with fans (air velocities of 0.6 and 1.4 m/s) at the same temperature. Furthermore, we constructed a thermal comfort model for the elderly based on human body exergy analysis and the GBDT, AdaBoost, and XGBoost machine-learning algorithms. The results showed that the predicted mean vote considerably overestimated the actual TSV. The TSV and mean skin temperature were decreased by 0.1–0.5 scores and 0.4–0.5 °C by the behavioural adaptation of fan cooling. The predictive results showed that the XGBoost model performed better, with R2 score, mean absolute error (MAE), and mean squared error (MSE) of 81 %, 0.10, and 0.01. Exergy transfer from evaporation (Ex-Esk), mean skin temperature (mtsk), air velocity (va), and convective exergy transfer (Ex-C) contributed more to the feature importance in the SHAP value analysis. The current study has implications for investigating physiological comfort and age-friendly environmental designs for the elderly, providing new perspectives for thermal comfort evaluations.

JulkaisuInternational Journal of Thermal Sciences
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - maalisk. 2025
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä


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