Kosketusetäisyys Within reach

Heidi Tikka, Seppo Väkevä (Kehittäjä), Juho Jouhtimäki (Kehittäjä), Jari Kantanen (Suunnittelija)

    Tutkimustuotos: Taiteellinen julkaisu ja ICT-julkaisuExhibitionSolo art productionvertaisarvioitu


    Kosketusetäisyys - Within Reach at Galleria Sculptor, Helsinki was a solo exhibition by media artist Heidi Tikka. The exhibition elaborated two related themes: the understanding of touch as a specific technical and material configuration and the conceptual-material understanding of the figure of a fold.
    The exhibition consisted of three installations: “Untitled 1-3 “(2014) a series of three knitted artifacts which responded to touch by acoustic means, “GSR2” (2014) an interactive projection which reacted to the readings of a participant’s skin and “At Hand” (2014) a multichannel projection, which turned the gallery windows into the main venue of the exhibition and in which the agency of the gallery audience affected the sense of proximity in the cinematic representation.

    For documentation see heiditikka.com
    KustantajaGalleria Sculptor
    TilaJulkaistu - 2014
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiF1 Itsenäinen teos tai esitys


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