Järvinen, A
, Groth, M, Airila, M, Belo, P, Beurskens, M, Brezinsek, S, Clever, M, Corrigan, G, Devaux, S, Drewelow, P, Eich, T, Giroud, C, Harting, D, Huber, A, Jachmich, S, Lawson, K, Lipschultz, B, Maddison, G, Maggi, C, Makkonen, T, Marchetto, C, Marsen, S, Matthews, GF, Meigs, AG, Moulton, D, Stamp, MF, Wiesen, S & Wischmeier, M 2014,
Interpretation of radiative divertor studies with impurity seeding in type-I ELMy H-mode plasmas in JET-ILW using EDGE2D-EIRENE. julkaisussa
21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2014, Kanazawa, Japan, May 26 - 30, 2014. Sivut to be added.