Interactive diorama – Rembrandt 1632

Cvijeta Miljak (Suunnittelija), Lily Diaz-Kommonen (Leikkaaja)

    Tutkimustuotos: Taiteellinen julkaisu ja ICT-julkaisuWeb publication/siteProfessional


    The website presents the information and research outputs of the Interactive Diorama – Rembrandt 1632 project. Last updated 2020.

    Interactive Diorama – Rembrandt 1632 is a virtual reality (VR) simulation that allows a visitor to explore a space beyond the 2D surface of a painting. It was created to evoke different experiences of heritage including non-linear, associative ways of thinking and dialogical interpretation.

    The work celebrates and deconstructs the important moment when the history of art and science converges in spectacle. It compares the representation-based pictorial space of the canvas with the dynamic, embodied and relational space of virtual reality environments.

    The work has been realized by professor Lily Díaz-Kommonen with the Department of Media, Systems of Representation Research Group at Aalto University, a multidisciplinary community where art, science and business come together to identify grand societal challenges and build innovative futures.
    KustantajaAalto University
    Tuotoksen mediaOnline
    TilaJulkaistu - 2017
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiI1 Audiovisuaaliset julkaisut

    Field of art

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