Increasing Socio-Spatial Connectedness Among Students: A Location-Based AR Social Media Network Approach

Linda Hirsch, Ivan Graf von Silva-Tarouca , Robin Welsch

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/konferenssijulkaisussaPosterScientificvertaisarvioitu

3 Sitaatiot (Scopus)


Augmented Reality (AR) applications embedding user-generated social media content into the physical environment have the potential to increase users’ socio-spatial connectedness but are under-researched. Therefore, we built a location-based AR social network app, including geotagged AR social media photos. We explore our app in a research probe of senior university students (n = 6), providing activity-related information to first-year university students at the campus (n = 11). We could identify how AR content is created at a location, what type of pictures are shared with whom, how the sharing increased the attachment to local places and the socio-spatial connectedness for first-year students. Finally, we discuss other application scenarios and outline challenges and opportunities for location-based AR social media networks.
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 2022
OKM-julkaisutyyppiEi sovellu
TapahtumaACM SIGCHI Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Virtual, Online, New Orleans, Yhdysvallat
Kesto: 30 huhtik. 20225 toukok. 2022


ConferenceACM SIGCHI Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
LyhennettäACM CHI
KaupunkiNew Orleans


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