Fab City Dashboard

Massimo Menichinelli, Mariana Quintero, Julien Paris

    Tutkimustuotos: Taiteellinen julkaisu ja ICT-julkaisuSoftwareArt in coproduction


    What is the resilience of a city regarding its manufacturing, distribution and consumption of goods? What is the role of citizens in changing the existing networks with open, distributed and collaborative projects and making activities in the city? The Fab City Dashboard project aims at developing a visualisation tool for Fab Cities that show the relation between urban spaces and their networks of design, production and consumption by highlighting their supply chains, resilience and impact. Such a tool can help cities and citizens to understand how citizens design and produce in urban spaces within networks of suppliers, manufacturers, craftsmen, fab labs, makerspaces, hackerspaces, and so on.

    The Fab City Dashboard project was selected for the Visualizar’16 International Workshop, titled Ciudades abiertas, Open Cities - September 26th to October 5th. During ten days, eight multidisciplinary teams developed eight projects dealing with city data. The selected projects were presented during the Open Cities Summit, the international summit of open cities, which took place in Medialab-Prado on October 5th within the framework of the activities previous to the International Open Data Conference, #IODC16.
    Tuotoksen mediaOnline
    TilaJulkaistu - lokak. 2016
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiF2 Taiteellisen teoksen tai esityksen osatoteutus
    TapahtumaVisualizar International Workshop: Ciudades abiertas, Open Cities - MediaLab Prado, Madrid, Espanja
    Kesto: 26 syysk. 20165 lokak. 2016


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