Evaluation of induced seismicity risk in the Pyhäsalmi mine

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/konferenssijulkaisussaConference article in proceedingsScientificvertaisarvioitu

242 Lataukset (Pure)


A Recent increase of induced seismicity and high rock stresses in the Pyhäsalmi mine have proven the need for an analysis of the seismic data and prediction of hazard. Seismic events and other influencing factors are analysed to forecast and quantify the level of induced seismicity risk in the Pyhäsalmi mine. The expected maximum event size is found by clustering seismic data using the Quality Threshold and Single Linkage clustering algorithms and applying the Gutenberg-Richter’s frequency-magnitude relationship.
Induced seismicity risk is assessed using the Quantitative Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment Framework. The potential for induced seismicity is calculated as a function of the maximum local seismic magnitude, rock stresses and strength, local geology, excavation geometry, and ground support capacity. The exposure to the hazard is taken into account in order to quantify the level of risk. The assessment is performed on three mining levels at about 1.2 km depth, which are divided into assessment zones. Most of the assessment zones have a low seismic risk and only a few have an elevated potential of rockburst. The highest risk is found along the northern contact zone of ore and waste rock, adjacent to important mine infrastructure. The critical areas are identified and installation of ground support with increased dynamic capacity is recommended as a risk mitigation strategy.
Otsikko7th International Symposium on In-Situ Rock Stress
AlaotsikkoSymposium proceedings
ToimittajatErik Johansson, Ville Raasakka
KustantajaSuomen rakennusinsinöörien liitto RIL
ISBN (elektroninen)978-951-758-606-1
TilaJulkaistu - toukok. 2016
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
TapahtumaInternational Symposium on In-Situ Rock Stress - Tampere Hall, Tampere, Suomi
Kesto: 10 toukok. 201612 toukok. 2016
Konferenssinumero: 7


KustantajaSuomen rakennusinsinöörien liitto RIL
ISSN (elektroninen)0356-9403


ConferenceInternational Symposium on In-Situ Rock Stress
LyhennettäRS2016 Symposium


Sukella tutkimusaiheisiin 'Evaluation of induced seismicity risk in the Pyhäsalmi mine'. Ne muodostavat yhdessä ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.
  • I2Mine (CP Large)

    Rinne, M. (Vastuullinen tutkija), Uotinen, L. (Projektin jäsen), Mishra, R. (Projektin jäsen), Szydlowska, M. (Projektin jäsen), Janiszewski, M. (Projektin jäsen), Siren, T. (Projektin jäsen), Sirkiä, J. (Projektin jäsen), Song, Z. (Projektin jäsen), Dong, S. (Projektin jäsen) & Samimi Namin, F. (Projektin jäsen)


    Projekti: EU: Framework programmes funding

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