Digital technologies for citizen curation in museums: two case studies from the SPICE project

Anna Maria Marras, Lily Diaz-Kommonen, Adam Stoneman, Leena Svinhufvud

Tutkimustuotos: Muu tuotosBlog articleProfessional


Social cohesion, Participation, and Inclusion through Cultural Engagement () is a project funded by EU Horizon 2020. It is a research project that studies the possibilities of digital media to create new links between the Museum and communities, by developing digital technologies that help communities select paintings, artefacts and other museum objects and share their own interpretations of these objects.
TyyppiDigital technologies for citizen curation in museums: two case studies from the SPICE project
Tuotoksen mediaICOM Voices
KustantajaInternational Council of Museums International Committee for Museology
TilaJulkaistu - 29 syysk. 2023
OKM-julkaisutyyppiD1 Artikkeli ammattilehdessä


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