Constructing Random Steiner Triple Systems: An Experimental Study

Daniel Heinlein, Patric Östergård

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/konferenssijulkaisussaChapterScientificvertaisarvioitu


Several methods for generating random Steiner triple systems (STSs)
have been proposed in the literature, such as Stinson’s hill-climbing
algorithm and Cameron’s algorithm, but these are not yet completely
understood. Those algorithms, as well as some variants, are here
assessed for STSs of both small and large orders. For large orders,
the number of occurrences of certain configurations in the constructed
STSs are compared with the corresponding expected values of random
hypergraphs. Modifications of the algorithms are proposed.
OtsikkoNew Advances in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
ISBN (elektroninen)978-3-031-48679-1
ISBN (painettu)978-3-031-48678-4
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaSähköinen julkaisu (e-pub) ennen painettua julkistusta - 16 marrask. 2023
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa


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