Campus Crossroads: Insights into High School and University Resource Sharing

Vera Luostarinen, Tuuli Jylhä, Suvi Nenonen, Eveliina Hietakymi, Niclas Sandström, Chuyao Wang

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/konferenssijulkaisussaConference article in proceedingsScientificvertaisarvioitu


This study explores the relocation of two high schools to university campuses in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA). This relocation reflects the global shift towards more collaborative and integrated educational models. The aim is to assess the advantages and disadvantages of such shared use of space and other resources from the perspective of the high school. The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to global sustainability goals through effective resource management within the built educational environment. Utilizing a qualitative methodology, the research examines two cases where high schools coexist with university campuses, gathering data through stakeholder interviews, public documents, and a collaborative workshop. SWOT analyses were used to identify the principal advantages and disadvantages. The advantages were enhanced resource access, pedagogical integration, and strengthened social connections. The principal disadvantages included managing shared spaces, coordinating conflicting schedules, and navigating digital tool access. The originality of this research lies in the sharing in the context of high school, university, and city, a previously underexplored area within educational studies. The social and practical implications drawn from this research emphasize the need for meticulous planning in managing both physical and digital resources. Moreover, the findings advocate for developing educational communities that bridge secondary and tertiary education, fostering collaboration across educational levels.
OtsikkoTWR Conference : Transdisciplinary Workplace Research, 4th -7th September 2024 Edinburgh Napier University
KustantajaEdinburgh Napier University
ISBN (elektroninen)978-1-908225-12-2
TilaJulkaistu - 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
TapahtumaTransdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference - Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Iso-Britannia
Kesto: 4 syysk. 20247 syysk. 2024


ConferenceTransdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference


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