Better Balance In The Fashion System

Tutkimustuotos: Taiteellinen julkaisu ja ICT-julkaisuExhibitionArt in coproductionvertaisarvioitu


What are the most effective ways to reduce the environmental load of fashion? Through new business understanding and new design strategies. Curated by Associate Professor Kirsi Niinimäki.
BioColour x Elina Onkinen & Kasia Gorniak

The BioColour Linen collection explores the use of linen fabric industrially dyed with natural colorants from onion skins and willow tree bark. Alongside the use of naturally dyed fabrics, the collection explores sizing versatility in garments, through the use of tie fastenings and voluminous cuts.

By substituting synthetic colours with natural ones we are able to lower the environmental impacts of textile industry. Traditionally natural dyes’ raw materials are plants, flowers, barks and mushrooms picked from the forest. Currently natural and bio-based colorants can be sourced in an industrial scale from cultivated colour plants and from side streams of food industry or agriculture (waste material). In the future they are even possible to grow in a lab with the help of synthetic biology.
KustantajaAalto University & Helsinki Design Week
TilaJulkaistu - 7 syysk. 2022
OKM-julkaisutyyppiF2 Taiteellisen teoksen tai esityksen osatoteutus
TapahtumaHelsinki Design Week: Designs for a Cooler Planet - Aalto Univeristy, Espoo, Suomi
Kesto: 7 syysk. 202212 lokak. 2022

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