Saila Susiluoto's "Antikythera" collection of poems - intended for "Antikythera" iPad application, dramatised and program designed by Mika Tuomola & Rasmus Vuori - has six parts, each of the parts contains 32 poems written for 32 different themes (for example ”love”, ”transition”, ”death” etc). Zeppelin Letters from The Hindenburg (Ilmalaivakirjeet Hindenburgilta) is about young Adele and about Hindenburg’s last journey in 1937. Labrys is a feministic and feminine version of the story of Ariadne, set on Treblinka extermination camp. The Witch (Noita) is about the 17th century witch-hunt in Finnmark, mainly in Vardo Island, Norway. The Empress (Keisarinna) is an imagined monologue of Elisabeth of Austria, about restlessness, rage and lack of freedom. Images of Artists (Taiteilijakuvia) is about pre-war Vienna, about poverty, art, love and sex and artist’s muses; there are two different voices in this part Oskar Kokoschka’s Alma Mahler-doll, and Egon Schiele’s lover Valerie Neutzil. Town Stories (Kaupunkitarinoita) is about imagined medieval, European town. There are little ghost and horror stories, between poetry and prose. It is about poverty, evil and horror. There is also an Oracle in Antikythera; a "fortunetelling" mechanism, which is based on "free verses" of the poems in the database of the 32 different themes.
Alkuperäiskieli | Englanti |
Tila | Julkaistu - 2013 |
OKM-julkaisutyyppi | F1 Itsenäinen teos tai esitys |