ADA: Artificial Digital Aesthetics

Kasperi Mäki-Reinikka, Aleksander Alafuzoff, Jari Torniainen, Henri Kotkanen

    Tutkimustuotos: Taiteellinen julkaisu ja ICT-julkaisuSoftwareSolo art productionvertaisarvioitu


    ADA is an artificial intelligence that wants to learn about art and aesthetics. Show ADA something beautiful, interesting or surprising by taking pictures with application. ADA tells you what it thinks of the picture and you can try to influence its taste by justifying your own answer with keywords. ADA’s artistic taste is constantly evolving – the more it sees, the more enlightened reviews it will make. ADA encourages users to engage in aesthetic dialogue with an AI, raising questions about the differences between human and machine perception.

    Also presented at the Connecting the Dots: An AI Exhibition
    26/11/2019 → 15/12/2019
    Espoo, Finland
    KustantajaHyvinkään taidemuseo
    TilaJulkaistu - 6 kesäk. 2019
    OKM-julkaisutyyppiF1 Itsenäinen teos tai esitys
    TapahtumaTaidelabra: Hyvinkään taidemuseon kokoelma - Hyvinkään taidemuseo, Hyvinkää, Suomi
    Kesto: 6 kesäk. 201931 jouluk. 2019

    Field of art

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