Aalto Arts Student Show 2024: MA Course work in Costume Design: Performing Arts and Film

Susanna Suurla (Curator)

Tutkimustuotos: Taiteellinen julkaisu ja ICT-julkaisuExhibitionArt in coproductionvertaisarvioitu


MA Course work in Costume Design: Performing Arts and Film,
Gallery 2: FE Lobby 105

Master-level costume design work from courses held in 2023–2024, from the ‘Costume Design: Performing Arts and Film major. Aalto University’s degree programme in costume design at the Department of Film is the only one of its kind in Finland. The costume design programme celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2023.

The information on artistic outputs in the Aalto Research Portal follows the reporting guidelines of Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture. Therefore, each contribution requiring independent artistic activity is reported separately. For full details of the work and its contributors, please refer to information provided by the publisher.
JulkaisupaikkaEspoo, Finland
KustantajaAalto University
TilaJulkaistu - 5 syysk. 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiF2 Taiteellisen teoksen tai esityksen osatoteutus
TapahtumaAalto ARTS Student Show - Väre, Espoo, Suomi
Kesto: 5 syysk. 20243 lokak. 2024

Field of art

  • Muotoilu
  • Elokuva


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