1st Design Factory Global Network Research Conference ‘Designing the Future’ 5-6 October 2022

Tua Björklund (Toimittaja), Peter Joore (Toimittaja), Saku Mäkinen (Toimittaja), Christine Thong (Toimittaja), Eduardo Zancul (Toimittaja)

Tutkimustuotos: KirjaAnthologyScientificvertaisarvioitu


DFGN.R 2022 -Designing the Future - is the first research conference organised by the Design Factory Global Network. The open event offers the opportunity for all like-minded educators, designers and researchers to share their insights and inspire others on education, methods, practices and ecosystems of co-creation and innovation. The DFGN.R conference is a two-day event hosted on-site in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. The conference is organized alongside International Design Factory Week 2022, the annual gathering of DFGN members. This year's conference is organized in collaboration with Aalto University from Helsinki Finland and hosted by the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences.
ISBN (elektroninen)978-952-64-9627-6
TilaJulkaistu - 2023
OKM-julkaisutyyppiC2 Toimitettu kirja, kokoomateos, konferenssijulkaisu tai lehden erikoisnumero
TapahtumaDesign Factory Global Network Research Conference - Leeuwarden, Alankomaat
Kesto: 5 lokak. 20226 lokak. 2022


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