World's Top 2% Scientists (2024)

  • Bordbar Khiabani, Aydin (Recipient)

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Citation metrics are often used incorrectly. Elsevier and Stanford University have created a public database of top-cited scientists with standardized information on citations, h-index, and a composite score (c-score), among other metrics. The data includes career-long impact and impact from a recent single year. It shows metrics with and without self-citations, as well as information on retracted papers. Scientists are categorized into 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields, with percentiles for those with at least 5 papers. The data is updated to the end of 2023, and selection is based on the top 100,000 scientists or the top 2% in each sub-field.

This database is based on Scopus data as of August 1, 2024. If a scientist is not listed, it simply means their score was not high enough, but this doesn’t reflect the quality of their work. The database is in a finalized form and won’t be changed. Authors should ensure their Scopus profiles are accurate, and any corrections should be submitted directly to Scopus via the ORCID feedback tool. The c-score emphasizes the impact of citations, considering co-authorship and author positions. Lastly, be mindful that citation metrics have limitations and should be used carefully.
Tunnustuksen arvoInternational
Myöntävät organisaatiotElsevier
