ERC Consolidator Grant 2016

    Palkinto: Palkinto tai huomionosoitus tuotoksesta


    This 2 million euro grant awarded for my new 5-year research project, titled 'Refashioning the Renaissance: Popular Groups, Fashion and the Material and Cultural Significance of clothing, 1550-1650'. The aim of the project is to investigate transformations and dissemination of fashion across social groups in the Renaissance period, and develop new, experimental 'hands-on' methods in historical research of dress.

    Myönnetty tapahtumassa

    Tapahtuman otsikkoERC Consolidator Grant Call
    PaikkaBrussels, BelgiaNäytä kartalla
    Aikajakso1 helmik. 2016 → 1 jouluk. 2016
