Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa
Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa
Doctoral Researcher, Master of Arts
Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa
Ida-Sofia Tuomisto (Master of Arts) is a researcher-designer with a keen interest in exploring the creative practices of fashion as meaning-making processes and aesthetic engagements. They investigate how thinking through – and with – clothes and materials can open approaches to unravel unquestioned assumptions and values inherent in the current fashion field. Their research is motivated by the desire to develop more open and inclusive methods in fashion design for sustainable futures. Their research involves contextualising fashion practice within contemporary aesthetics and exploring these topics through their own experience as a designer.
Taiteen maisteri
Myöntöpäivä: 31 heinäk. 2019
Taiteen kandidaatti (alempi)
Myöntöpäivä: 31 jouluk. 2013
Tutkimustuotos: Master's thesis