Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili


Camilla Hollanti received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Turku, Finland, in 2003 and 2009, respectively, both in pure mathematics. Her research interests lie within applications of algebraic number theory to wireless communications and physical layer security, as well as in combinatorial and coding theoretic methods related to distributed storage systems and private information retrieval.

For 2004-2011 Hollanti was with the University of Turku. Since 2011, she has been with the Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis at Aalto University, Finland, where she currently works as a full professor and leads a research group in Algebra, Number Theory, and Applications. During 2017-2020, Hollanti was affiliated with the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Technical University of Munich, where she held a 3-year Hans Fischer Fellowship, funded by the German Excellence Initiative and the EU 7th Framework Programme.

Hollanti is an editor of the AIMS Journal on Advances in Mathematics of Communications, IEEE Transactions of Information Theory, and SIAM Journal of Applied Algebra and Geometry. She is a coauthor of over a 100 scientific peer-reviewed publications and a recipient of several grants, including six Academy of Finland grants since 2010. In 2014, she received the World Cultural Council Special Recognition Award for young researchers. In 2017, the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters awarded her the Väisälä Prize in Mathematics. Currently, Hollanti is serving in the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society, and she is one of the general co-chairs of the society's flagship conference IEEE ISIT'22.

Asiantuntemus YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteista

Vuonna 2015 YK:n jäsenvaltiot sopivat 17 maailmanlaajuisesta kestävän kehityksen tavoitteesta köyhyyden poistamiseksi, planeetan suojelemiseksi ja vaurauden takaamiseksi kaikille. Tämän henkilön työ edistää seuraavia kestävän kehityksen tavoitteita:

  • SDG 7 – Edullinen ja puhdas energia
  • SDG 8 – Ihmisarvoinen työ ja taloudellinen kasvu

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Doctoral degree, Natural Sciences, University of Turku

Myöntöpäivä: 22 tammik. 2009

Asemat yliopiston ulkopuolella

Hans Fischer Fellow (visiting professor), IAS, Technical University of Munich

1 huhtik. 201731 maalisk. 2020


Sukella tutkimusaiheisiin, joissa Camilla Hollanti on aktiivinen. Nämä aihemerkinnät ovat peräisin tämän henkilön teoksista. Yhdessä ne muodostavat ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.
  • 1 Samanlaiset profiilit

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