Plant inventory of GreenTwins project pilot areas in Tallinn and Helsinki

  • Henna Fabritius (FinEst Centre for Smart Cities) (Creator)
  • Chaowen Yao (Creator)
  • Kristiina Kupper (Creator)
  • Andres Maremäe (Creator)



This dataset contains vegetation data collected and/or curated at the project's pilot areas in Tallinn, Estonia (59.438453 N, 24.736159 E), and Helsinki, Finland (60.199457 N, 24.978951 E). The project had two pilot areas in both cities: a large pilot area ranging from 400 ha (Tallinn) to 600 ha (Helsinki), used for testing the application Virtual Green Planner, and a small pilot area, ranging from 14.5 ha (Toompark, Tallinn) to 60.9 ha (Hermannin rantapuisto, Helsinki), used for testing the application Urban Tempo. Borders of the pilot areas are presented in an included file, and the datasets have their respective readme files for further information on the included parameters. Vegetation data of the Large pilot area, Tallinn, is not inlcuded in this package. The data of Helsinki pilot areas and the Tallinn Toompark were collected as follows: Hermannin rantapuisto, Helsinki: Data on trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants were collected using a field inventory. The data contain a description of the fieldwork and the resulting raw and curated data. In the curated data, data layers are split into individual trees (point data) and plant cover data consisting of trees and herbaceous vegetation types (polygon data). Large pilot area, Helsinki: The base data on trees were obtained from the City of Helsinki open data repositories: The maintainer of the Urban tree database of the City of Helsinki dataset is Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Maankäyttö ja kaupunkirakenne / Kaupunkitila ja maisemasuunnittelu. The maintainer of the Lidar datasets of the city of Helsinki dataset is Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Kaupunkimittauspalvelut. The maintainer of the Orthophotos of the Helsinki metropolitan area dataset is Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut HSY. The datasets have been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. A multi-algorithm approach (Yao, C. Fabritius, H., Fricker, P. & F. Dembski: Multi-Algorithm-Based Urban Tree Information Extraction and Its Applications in Urban Planning. A manuscript in revision) was used to identify individual tree locations and species form these data. Toompark, Tallinn: Data on herbaceous plants were obtained in the form of green area polygons by the City of Tallinn, assigned to different vegetation types by local experts in botany in collaboration with the City of Tallinn. Tree data were extracted algorithmically using the same method as for Helsinki from Estonia Land Board Orthophotos ( and LIDAR ( data. Tree species were determined by field investigation.
Koska saatavilla13 kesäk. 2023
JulkaisijaTalTech Data Repository

Dataset Licences

  • CC-BY-4.0

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