HPD experiments -- DryDemag cryostat, Low-temperature laboratory, Aalto University, Finland, 2018



Data related to NMR experients in superfluid 3He-B in DryDemag cryostat in 2018. The main part is oscilloscope signals and spectrograms of HPD (homogeneously precessing domain) where we have found spatially-localised oscillation modes. We attribute some of these modes to oscillations of theta-solitons in HPD. Files: data2018_dd_hpd_1.tgz -- All data except oscilloscope signals (2.0Gb). data2018_dd_hpd_2.tgz -- Oscilloscope signals (5.9Gb), archive is splitted into three parts with split(1) program.
Koska saatavilla15 lokak. 2023

Dataset Licences

  • CC-BY-4.0

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