Projekteja vuodessa
This dataset accompanies the paper titled "Simulating the electrostatic patch force in sphere-plate and plate-plate geometries" by M.H.J. de Jong and L. Mercier de Lepinay. It is a zip file that contains the figures of the publication, the raw data supporting those figures, the analysis and plotting scripts, and the toolbox to simulate the electrostatic patch force in various geometries. The structure, relation and contents of the files are detailed exhaustively in the "README.txt" file in the top level folder. The contents of the .zip file are common image formats (.png and .pdf), readable text and data files (.txt, .csv), data files that can be opened with the python library pandas (.h5), matlab scripts (.m), python scripts (.py), and COMSOL models (.mph).
Koska saatavilla | 7 elok. 2024 |
Julkaisija | Zenodo |
Dataset Licences
- CC-BY-4.0
- 1 Päättynyt
Laure Mercier de Lepinay Postdoc: Vacuum forces between superconductors probed with microwave optomechanics
Mercier de Lepinay, L. (Vastuullinen tutkija) & Korkmazgil, P. (Projektin jäsen)
01/09/2021 → 31/08/2024
Projekti: Academy of Finland: Other research funding