ALD on particles: Literature collection and dataset

  • Peter Michael Piechulla (Creator)
  • Mingliang Chen (Creator)
  • Aristeidis Goulas (Creator)
  • Riikka Puurunen (Creator)
  • J. Ruud Van Ommen (Creator)



A dataset collected from scientific publications on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on particle substrates, limited to English-language literature with DOI handle and containing experimental data on the topic. Only particles in powder form are considered, excluding immobilized particles on a substrate, pelletized particles, particle-based electrodes etc. Besides bibliographic data, the dataset quotes basic qualitative values from the original works. The initial dataset contains 802 publications from the years 1988 through 2023.
Koska saatavilla28 heinäk. 2024

Dataset Licences

  • Unspecified

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