


This data set contains the simulation input files and simulations figures data belonging to the publication X. Liu, H. Tan, E. Stråka, X. Hu, M. Chen, S. van Dijken, A. Scacchi, M. Sammalkorpi, O. Ikkala, and B. Peng, Bioinspired trainable magnetic sensory responses using magnetic colloidal assemblies, Cell Reports Physical Science (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xcrp.2024.101923 Please cite the above publication when using this data set! The authors acknowledge the facilities and technical support provided by Aalto University OtaNano - Nanomicroscopy Center and the assistance from Jiahui Kang for TEM imaging. This work was supported by ERC (Advanced Grant DRIVEN, no. 742829), the Academy of Finland (nos. 321443, 328942, and 316973, and Center of Excellence Program of Life-Inspired Hybrid Materials, projects nos. 346108 and 346111), the China Scholarship Council (no. 201906310146), and the Swiss National Science Foundation (no. P500PT_206916) (to A.S.). Computational resources by CSC IT Center for Finland, Aalto Science-IT and RAMI – RawMatters Finland Infrastructure are also gratefully acknowledged.
Koska saatavilla28 maalisk. 2024

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  • CC-BY-4.0

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