Yle aims to recruit top talent of the creative sector and technology – Yle and Aalto University expand their cooperation

    Lehdistö/media: Esiintyminen mediassa

    Aikajakso6 syysk. 2019

    Käsittely mediassa


    Käsittely mediassa

    • NimiYle aims to recruit top talent of the creative sector and technology – Yle and Aalto University expand their cooperation
      Kuvaushttps://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2019/09/06/yle-aims-to-recruit-top-talent-of-the-creative-sector-and-technology-yle-and Yle and Aalto University have agreed on communication about jobs, traineeships and interesting career paths to the students of Aalto. At... , Director for Advancement and Corporate Engagement at Aalto University. Yle and Aalto University have cooperated extensively in the fields