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Käsittely mediassa
Nimi New Standards exhibition will open to the public at the Museum of Finnish Architecture Julkaisupäivämäärä 10/01/2022 Kuvaus https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/culture/20758-new-standards-exhibition-will-open-to-the-public-at-the-museum-of-finnish-architecture.html New Standards presents the history of a uniquely Finnish approach to mass-produced housing in the twentieth century. First displayed in the ... by a curatorial team of three academics linked by their work at Aalto University: Laura Berger , Philip Tidwell and Kristo Vesikansa . URL-osoite https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/culture/20758-new-standards-exhibition-will-open-to-the-public-at-the-museum-of-finnish-architecture.html Henkilöt Laura Berger, Kristo Vesikansa