ALD Stories Episode 14, Back to basics: Understanding conformality with Riikka Puurunen

Lehdistö/media: Esiintyminen mediassa


Back for her second episode, Professor Riikka Puurunen is bringing us back to the basics with a deep dive on conformality. Recorded live from the Harald Herlin Learning Center at Aalto University, Tyler and Riikka talk about the all-important property of ALD. In this episode, Riikka explains the history of conformality in ALD, her recent paper on modeling collaboration, the origins of the PillarHall conformality test structures and a conversation on open science.

Aikajakso30 kesäk. 2022

Osallistuminen mediassa


Osallistuminen mediassa

  • NimiBack to Basics: Understanding Conformality with Riikka Puurunen
    Tunnustuksen arvoInternational
    Medianimi / kanavaALD Stories
    Kesto / pituus / koko1 h 5 min
    KuvausBack for her second episode, Professor Riikka Puurunen is bringing us back to the basics with a deep dive on conformality. Recorded live from the Harald Herlin Learning Center at Aalto University, Tyler and Riikka talk about the all-important property of ALD. In this episode, Riikka explains the history of conformality in ALD, her recent paper on modeling collaboration, the origins of the PillarHall conformality test structures and a conversation on open science.

    In this episode:

    00:00 Intro

    03:39 History of conformality

    10:21 Has our understanding of conformality changed?

    12:25 Is conformality an inherent property?

    18:38 Conformality modeling findings

    37:28 PillarHall Test Structures

    49:35 Open Learning for ALD

    Follow Riikka at @rlpuu on Twitter
    Tuottaja / kirjoittajaTyles Myers, Beneq
    HenkilötRiikka Puurunen