Waterborne TP (Ulkoinen yksikkö)

  • Spyros Hirdaris (Jäsen)

Aktiviteetti: Luottamustehtävä seurassa tai verkostossa


WATERBORNE has been set up as an industry-oriented Technology Platform to establish a continuous dialogue between all waterborne stakeholders, such as classification societies, shipbuilders, shipowners, maritime equipment manufacturers, infrastructure and service providers, universities or research institutes, and with the EU Institutions, including Member States.
Aikajaksokesäk. 2023maalisk. 2026
PidettyWaterborne TP, Belgia

Open science

  • This is related to promoting open science

Open science keywords

  • Wide scientific knowledge dissemination
  • Citizen science
  • Researcher evaluation

Research ethics and research integrity

  • This is related to promoting research ethics and research integrity