Track 10Environmental Attunement as a Strategy for Ecological Engagement
Track Chairs
Sebastián Lomelí (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM (Mexico))
Juan Duarte (Aalto University)
Environmental Attunement can be traced back to its genealogical roots in Romanticism. The concept revolves around the idea that the appreciation of natural beauty and the sublime serves as a metaphorical bridge that allows individuals to retrace their steps from the trappings of civilization to the pristine realms of untamed Nature. This sentimentally charged alignment between the human essence and the natural world fosters a profound comprehension of Nature as an integrated, living entity, wherein humankind assumes the role of its most marvelous creation. Such an interpretation of the aesthetics of Nature provides the foundational theoretical framework for 19th-century landscape painting and the intellectual discipline of romantic geography.
Contemporary critical theorists have offered a scathing critique of the aforementioned aesthetics of Nature, denouncing it for perpetuating an ideological discourse they assert to be deeply problematic. Their contention lies in the argument that this aesthetic framework perpetuates the notion of a pristine or Edenic Nature while also inadvertently upholding colonialist ideologies. Scholars akin to William Cronon emphasize the significance of the individualistic and assertively masculine experience exemplified by explorers and tourists who venture into the natural world intending to elucidate a vision of reconciliation with Nature.
Notwithstanding the critical perspectives brought to bear on Environmental Attunement, it remains a pivotal intellectual underpinning in the evolution of ecological thought throughout the latter half of the 20th century. Central to this paradigm shift is the profound emphasis placed on the concept of a “sense of place” and the intrinsic connection to the Earth, which collectively encapsulate a novel sensibility regarding the environment. However, it is worth noting that scholars such as Donna Haraway and Ursula K. Heise were quick to voice their reservations concerning this framework, particularly highlighting its omission of the vital scientific and technological dimensions inherent in the human-nature interface.
In an era dominated by the Anthropocene epoch, characterized by unprecedented human impact on Earth’s systems, the contemporary understanding of the environment has evolved to necessitate the integration of scientific and technological advancements. Concepts like computer science, satellite data, climate associations, and the efforts of environmental activists have become indispensable in comprehending the intricacies and complexities of our relationship with the Earth.
Attunement, as a concept, facilitates the capacity of both living organisms and machines to transcend boundaries imposed by various environments, enabling them to empathetically engage with the dynamics of climate change and the temporal aspects of the natural world. This overarching theme serves as a catalyst, fostering collaborative endeavors at the intersection of art and science, aiming to achieve a harmonious fusion of the natural and artificial domains. This fusion is predicated upon aesthetic principles grounded in the notions of harmony, consonance, and resonance, where perception and action coalesce.
These fundamental elements can illuminate novel pathways for the embodiment and mediation of ecological relationships with entities beyond the scope of humanity. This track aims to delve into the intricate strategies for embodying and mediating ecological connections with the diverse spectrum of more-than-human agents that coexist within our ecological milieus.
Aikajakso | 20 huhtik. 2024 |
Tapahtuman tyyppi | Conference |
Sijainti | Aachen, Saksa, North Rhine-WestphaliaNäytä kartalla |
Tunnustuksen arvo | International |
Asiakirjat ja linkit
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