We investigate the effect of firms’ networking with market participants and government on the relationship between international entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) and international performance. The study draws upon empirical research conducted on internationalized Finnish small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Market networking did not stimulate the relationship between IEO and international performance, contrary to our expectations, while government support did. Interestingly further examination of a double moderation effect revealed that, while at higher IEO levels government support was more important for performance enhancement, market networking was more essential at lower levels of IEO. The study emphasizes the important role of entrepreneurial orientation in guiding firms’ international networking activities in relation to the choice of market partners vs. government organizations.Aikajakso | 14 jouluk. 2017 → 16 jouluk. 2017 |
Tapahtuman tyyppi | Conference |
Tunnustuksen arvo | International |
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