Deep dive into environmental sustainability of biobased plastics: Cradle to grave LCA of castor oil-derived polyamides

  • Äkräs, L. (Puhuja)
  • Marjatta Vahvaselkä (Kontribuuttori)

Aktiviteetti: Konferenssiesitelmä


Project ValueBioMat, composing of researchers from a diverse range of research institutes, organizes annually an Advisory Board Meeting for its industry representatives (in other words, advisory board) to showcase the ongoing research on the project and, ultimately, the latest results. At this event, I also had the honour to present my ongoing life cycle assessment research in the form of an oral presentation and a poster with a kind assistance from the Senior Scientist Marjatta Vahvaselkä at the poster exhibition.
Aikajakso9 helmik. 2023
Tapahtuman otsikkoValueBioMat's Advisory Board Meeting
Tapahtuman tyyppiOther
SijaintiEspoo, SuomiNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoNational