Zeeman broadening in cool stars

Richard I. Anderson, Ansgar Reiners, Sami K. Solanki, Andreas Lagg

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleScientificpeer-review


We investigate detectability of magnetic fields by Zeeman broadening of well-isolated spectral lines in F, G and K type stars. Data of unprecedented quality were taken with CES 1 mounted on the 3.6m ESO telescope at La Silla, Chile, in three campaigns in the optical range between 5770Å and 6280Å, each with a wavelength coverage of roughly 40Å. We use the SPINOR/STOPRO (cf. Frutiger et al. [1]) package developed by ETH 2 and MPS 3 to perform spectral line inversion via χ 2 minimization. Starting from constraints given by previous measurements of stellar parameters, we fit a number of extracted spectral lines. Eventually, our goal is to determine the product of the magnetic field strength B and the surface filling factor, B × f. Our work is in progress and thus no final measurements can be presented at this stage.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)708-711
Number of pages4
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 2009
MoE publication typeA4 Conference publication
EventCambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun - St. Andrews, United Kingdom
Duration: 21 Jul 200825 Jul 2008
Conference number: 15


  • Late-type
  • Line
  • Magnetic fields
  • Profiles


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