Unveiling the Decision-Making Dilemmas in Mini-Grids: The Intricate Case of Smart Meters

Venkata Bandi*, Tiia Sahrakorpi, Jukka Paatero, Risto Lahdelma

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Mini-grids need to imitate the transition path of a traditional grid to maintain their position as a sustainable energy access alternative, while aligning with the objectives of the seventh Sustainable Development Goal. One such strategy is implementing smart-metering solutions to improve business viability and remote monitoring of distributed mini-grid assets. However, selecting smart meters presents a significant challenge for mini-grid operators, primarily due to the installation costs involved and the complexities associated with operating mini-grids in rural areas. Against this backdrop, the current case study’ demonstrates the utility of multi-criteria decision aids, such as stochastic multi-criteria acceptability analysis (SMAA), to assist mini-grid operators in making informed decisions concerning smart-meter selection. In addition, practitioners’ narratives elucidate how implementing smart metering can function as part of mini-grid operations in rural areas. Furthermore, narratives highlight the importance of considering context-specific conditions to avoid the under-utilisation of smart meters.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6112
Number of pages22
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • SMAA
  • Smaa-Stochastic multicriteria acceptability
  • mini-grid
  • smart meter


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