Understanding stressor-strain relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of social support, adjustment to remote work, and work-life conflict

Ward Van Zoonen*, Anu Sivunen, Kirsimarja Blomqvist, Thomas Olsson, Annina Ropponen, Kaisa Henttonen, Matti Vartiainen

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This study investigates how the transition to remote work during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is experienced by employees. We investigate to what extent perceived work stressors relate to psychological strain through perceptions of social support, work-life conflict, and adjustment to remote work. The findings expound the mechanisms underlying psychological strain in the context of sudden organizational change. Specifically, this study shows that both challenge stressors and hindrance stressors have negative impact on adjustment to remote work, whereas hindrance stressors are more strongly negatively related to social support. The study further demonstrates that there is hardly any buffering impact of job control, work structuring, and communication technology use on the implications of these work stressors. These findings contribute to our theoretical understanding and provide actionable implications for organizational policies in facilitating employees' adaptation to remote work.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1038-1059
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Management and Organization
Issue number6
Early online date2021
Publication statusPublished - 17 Nov 2021
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Control
  • Remote Work Adjustment
  • Stressor-Strain
  • Support
  • Technology Use
  • Work Structuring
  • Work-life Conflict


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